Monday, June 15, 2015

Day Six Hundred Eighty Two

So, it looks like flood-worthy rain is coming to Austin again tomorrow. Are we trying to become the next Lost City Of Atlantis? Because it's starting to feel that way.

I went to a pretty cool place this past weekend called Moontower Saloon (most people stop me at this stage and say "wait, what? you went to a saloon?!") and was pleasantly surprised to find they were having a free concert with a seriously good local country band. They're called the Cody Bryan Band, and everyone reading this post should go check them out. They helped improve my mood tremendously after my left ankle was annihilated by fire ants in the parking lot. I was spraying bug spray on my arms (of course) when I noticed my ankle stinging really badly. Oh, hello 30 fire ants ALL over my poor sandaled foot. My new life goal is to live somewhere where fire ants don't exist, because those dumb little things may be small, but man those bites hurt. I looked like I was doing some weird interpretive dance getting back in my car, purely as a method to prevent another ant attack (it worked). But anyway, Moontower was awesome and had great music and a ton of outdoor lawn games and sand volleyball, and it might be one of my new favorite places to hang out. Minus the ants.

After my Louisiana adventure I've settled back in to my work routine. Today I obtained some bacteria that glow electric blue when cultured though, and I'm pretty pumped about that. I legitimately can't wait to go in to work tomorrow morning and see my little bacteria flashlight in the incubator. It's times like these where I'm confident I chose the correct career path, as glowing bacteria is something I actually find exciting. It's like the time in Gen Bio in undergrad when I told the professor that I loved planaria (small, freshwater organisms) because they look like baby dragons (Google it if you don't believe me). His response = "well, you're clearly meant to be a biology major." Probably true, and I'm thankful every day that I found an analytical chemistry research group that allows me to continue to let my love of biology run free.

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