Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day Six Hundred Seventy

The sudden drop off in blog posts was due to me having a friend in town. John came to visit from Seattle, and we were basically busy from Friday to Tuesday going all over Austin. Highlights of his visit include...paddle boarding on Lady Bird Lake, checking out the view of downtown Austin from Mount Bonnell, and going down to San Marcos to volunteer time to helping families whose houses were destroyed or severely damaged by the recent flood. During volunteering we knocked down walls and swept floors and hacked off pieces of dry wall, and though we were covered in dust by the end of it, we both felt good about helping some people in need of a few extra hands. Side note - we volunteered through a group called Samaratins Purse, and learned that they're an amazing organization.

Now I'm back to work until Friday, when I head out on a mini road trip to Louisiana with my friend to attend her roommates wedding. And go on a swamp tour. Because obviously you can't go to Louisiana without spending some quality time in a swamp.

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