Friday, June 26, 2015

Day Six Hundred Ninety Two

Almost to 700 days in Austin! How weird.

Here's a run down of my week:

Go to campus
Run experiments
Go to meetings
Run more experiments
Come home
Read and watch Netflix

Aaaaaand repeat. There were some dinners out thrown in (thank you, Avants and Dawn!), one of which had the manager coming to our table to tell me "sorry your food is taking so long, we dropped the first finished plate on the floor." Well, thank you for not giving me floor-seasoned salmon.

Today I treated myself to a trip to Half Price Books to pick up my new book club book, and I stumbled upon the yearbook section where I was able to locate a UT yearbook that featured both my parents. That's when you know your Austin roots run deep - when you find photos of your parents in a local book store.

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