Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day Six Hundred Ninety Six

If you're wondering why I've gotten so bad at posting photos with my blog entries, the answer is because I usually write these on my phone right before falling asleep, and a couple months ago my Blogger app decided it no longer liked dealing with photos. Since its summer and I officially have no excuse for not doing these posts on my actual laptop, I promise to get better at attaching photos! Cause that's really what everyone wants to see, right? That being said, this will be implemented tomorrow. Because I'm already halfway to sleep town.

Today was a day of failed experimentation (this is basically the descriptor of almost every grad students day all the time). The bacteria were not cooperating, and we ended the work day on bad terms with one another. I'm hoping they'll get their act together by tomorrow. Then I spent all evening watching my Tuesday summer TV shows. Because I'm living in an apartment with no DVR (because grad student salary) and have to watch a show when its actually on. Like in the stone ages. Sorry everyone, Tuesday nights are booked over the summer for me, because I need my Rizzoli and Isles time.

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