Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day Six Hundred Ninety Seven

You guys, I'm really tired. Grad school is exhausting. Being an adult is exhausting. I'm not saying this as something that's horrible or depressing, I'm just genuinely that tired. This being said, I didn't take any exciting photos today. BUT, I did get a ticket to see one of my favorite singers in concert.

If you've never listened to Jon McLaughlin, you probably should. He's incredible. And he's extremely handsome, which also doesn't hurt. Needless to say, I can't wait to go watch him sing and play piano like a beast.

Today was another day full of experiments and meetings. Then I went to a game night tonight with some friends from church, where my team was able to pull out a victory at Taboo even though I was essentially half asleep the entire time. Yeah!

And now, since I've been thinking about sleep all day, I'm going to go spend some quality time with it.

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