Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Four

The past couple days have just been full of work. I've started working with a new bacteria though, and that always makes things interesting. Some people think all bacteria grow the same way, and while that would make my life so much simpler, it's just not true. So I've moved from letting my old bacteria grow in a petri dish at room temperature to spraying my hands and arms down in ethanol to place my new bacteria in a special incubator with carbon dioxide in it and praying that they don't infect the mammalian cells also growing in the same incubator. Please, streptococcus, just stay in your petri dish and/or culture tube and don't make a mess of things.

Other than work, I've had my nose in books. I just finished reading The Emperor of all Maladies (a biography of cancer through the years), and while it was a total beast to read it was suuuuper interesting. I've now moved on to The Girl on the Train for one of my book clubs. It seems promising so far, which is a relief, because club books turn out to be a total fail.

As for blog challenge....

Yesterday's prompt: Three Ways to Win Your Heart

1. Bring me chocolate
2. Make me laugh
3. Always be up for an adventure

Today's prompt: If You Could Have One Super Power...

Is the ability to become invisible a super power? I think that would be pretty sweet (and extremely useful at times). Controlling time would also be a good one, but only if I'm not allowed to use invisibility. I don't know what the rules are here...

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