Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Twenty Two

I learned from my optometrist that when you wear contact lenses, you're supposed to wash your hands with hand soap that is fragrance and lotion free to minimize the amount of residue that comes into contact with your lens before you put that lens on your eyeball. Makes total sense, right? So today I figured that during my trip to Target to get various other contact lens items (solution, eye drops...who knew this whole contacts thing was such a process?) I'd grab some fragrance free soap. Well, I came to the realization that apparently no store carries such soap. Not Target, not Walgreens, not HEB. We have fragrance free laundry detergent, fragrance free dish detergent, fragrance free deodorant, but no fragrance free hand soap. You guys, I spent an hour driving around and looking for this stuff. Then I gave up, went on Amazon on my phone, and ordered it from there while I was sitting in my car in the HEB parking lot. Then I went and got a snow cone. Because it was 96 degrees outside and I was cranky and snow cones fix almost anything.

This next blog prompt is one I don't necessarily like, but will do anyway in the interest of finishing all 30 prompts.

Something that makes you awesome

I feel like this is a real awkward one. Does anyone actually like the people who constantly talk about how great they are? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Regardless, I'll go with something I do that I think people enjoy - at least the people on the receiving end of them - and that is write hand written letters. I don't mind emails, but whenever I want to contact a friend just to see how they're doing, I almost never use email. It feels too impersonal, too easy to quickly glance over. I'm also not a superstar at having long phone conversations with people (with the exception of Mom and Dad and my brother, because they're family), those awkward silent pauses just kill me. So, I've settled on sending letters via snail mail. There's something special about knowing that someone actually took the time to sit and write you and seeing someone's handwriting always makes you feel a little bit closer to the person (at least for me it does). If you have free time and you're not sure what to do with yourself, I suggest you write a letter to someone. It will probably make their day when they get it. Plus, USPS still makes some real cute stamps. A few years ago they had special edition stamps that featured Pixar characters, and I bought so many of those. Bring them back, USPS. Just bring them back.

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