Friday, July 10, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Six

My head is once again hurting. Curse this hot weather! Time to stay ultra-hydrated.

Today after work I was a coupon and sale MASTER. I got a new (used) book that I've been wanting to read (The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt) for 40% off, a new candle from Bath and Body Works for 50% off, then used a rent-one-get-one-free coupon to get some Redbox movies. I was so proud of myself with saving money that I called my mom to brag about it. Because I had to share my joy with someone.

Earlier in the day I met a very large skeleton illustration in the Biomedical Engineering building at UT. Why does literally every building have to be so much more awesome than Welch Hall?

Time for the blog challenge prompts for yesterday and today.

Yesterday: Top Three Favorite Blogs to Read and Why

I mainly just read blogs written by friends of mine as a way to see what/how they're doing. There's a blog written by the moderator of the online book club I'm in that I occasionally read, but that doesn't happen all that often. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't have a "top three" favorite blogs because I don't read blogs that often...though it might help pass the time in lab when I'm waiting for bacteria to grow. I may explore this possibility next week!

Today: Your Favorite Quote or Saying

My favorite is probably "Keep Calm and Carry On", I have a sign saying that in my bedroom. I'm a natural worrier (meaning I'm very well acquainted with anxiety), so when I first saw this saying on posters and mugs, I immediately jumped on it. Now I see that phrase everywhere, but I don't mind because at least it helps remind me to just calm down.

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