Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day Six Hundred Ninety Eight

Today's photo is a belated one from my trip to Half Price Books a few days ago. When you're in Austin, sometimes the used bookstores have old UT yearbooks. And where there are old UT yearbooks, there are potential photos of my parents. And what do you know...I found Dad!

You guys, today my experiment worked. IT WORKED. It wasn't anything overly exciting or even publishable (it was literally just a growth curve for a new strain of bacteria), but just the fact that it worked put me on a high and made me not even care that I didn't even leave campus until 6pm. I also learned the benefit of leaving campus at 6pm instead of 4pm - the weather outside is marginally cooler, making my walk back to my car slightly less miserable. Yeah! I'll take it!

Since I sometimes run out of things to write about on here, I found a 30 day blog challenge that will give me something to write about every day this month (minus yesterday, of course...but since there are 31 days in July, it works out). So first up is...

1. Something Beautiful to You

So this first one is vague. And a little difficult, because there are an abundance of things that are beautiful to me. If we're talking scenery? I think Resurrection Bay in Alaska is the most beautiful place on earth.

That photo has been my computer background since I took it in 2011, and I don't see anything taking its place anytime soon.

In a more generic sense, I think organization is beautiful, which probably sounds weird. Clutter feels chaotic to me, and when things are thoughtfully arranged, I feel so much calmer. Here's a common conversation between my mother and I when I'm hanging things on the wall --

Mom: "What if we offset things a little, made it a little more interesting?"

Me: "Nope, I think perfectly even looks just fine."

Lastly, I'll put something I saw for the first time very recently that I found astoundingly beautiful. It's called the Pennybacker Bridge.

Obviously, I did not take this photo. But seriously, how gorgeous is this?

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