Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day Seven Hundred One

I would love to say that I didn't post on Day 700 in Austin because I was too tired from having wild, crazy 4th of July fun...but in reality, it's because I was lulled to sleep reading my book after watching two movies from Redbox. Like a true patriot. BUT, that's not important, because to day I found out that one of my very best friends got engaged yesterday! Amanda, I absolutely love you to death, and could not be happier for you! You're one of my favorite people to ever exist.

And the blog challenges for yesterday and today were...

3. What you wore, in detail.

Well, yesterday was 4th of July, so I wore my one shirt with an American flag on it, which happened to also be a Jon McLaughlin shirt. I combined that with a very stylish pair of grey yoga pants from Target and bright blue socks. It was a glorious look, and perfect for lounging on my couch to read and watch movies.

4. Something/Someone that makes you happy

Well I'm pretty sure if you just scroll back up you'll see that Amanda is a person that makes me happy, and the fact that she just got engaged is something that makes me very happy! Other people that make me happy are my parents/brother/sister-in-law, and my labmates up at school for keeping me sane. As for other things that make me happy...I'll have to go with a good book and a good scented candle. Preferably when experienced in tandem.

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