Friday, July 17, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Thirteen

So, there's going to be a brief hiatus on the blog prompt challenge because I'm visiting my parents in Virginia and left my laptop in Austin which is where the prompt list is located. This is the first time in recent memory that I've flown somewhere and not brought my laptop (ah, the joy of taking no more classes and having no more assignments to type up!), and I must say it makes the carry on bag much lighter. I also flew first class for the very first time flying out here! I felt quite pampered, and they kept plying me with food on the Dallas to Richmond flight, which I was not against. I learned that I'm around a totally different type of person in first class. The people I sat next to on both legs of my trip were full of stories of box seats to sporting events and extravagant trips to places like Paris and New Zealand. I didn't have many (ie - any) extravagant stories to share back, considering my most exciting trip recently was to Louisiana with the highlight of a swamp tour (while I found that trip to be awesome, they didn't seem like the type to share my enthusiasm over riverboat casinos and alligators). They were both very nice though. I even exchanged emails with one of them so she could send me photos of her sisters corgi. Because all corgi owners, past or present, are immediately good friends.

Today was my first full day in Richmond, and it was a relaxing day of sleeping in, a little bit of shopping (my mom and I are bargain finding masters), getting my hair cut, a delicious dinner, and a slideshow of my dad's recent trip to Japan. Tomorrow things ramp up a little, and I'm sure there will be photos to go along with it. But I won't ruin the surprise about what it'll be.  :)

My two benadryl are kicking in (yay allergies!), so its time for me to go in to a mini coma. More from Virginia tomorrow (or the next day if I forget to post tomorrow)!

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