Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Twenty

First things first - Richmond photos! Well, the few Richmond photos I have from my phone, the rest are being emailed to me from the family photographer (aka - Dad). 

Day three in Richmond was a trip to Historical Jamestown, which was so cool. Part of it is an active archaeology site where you can watch the archaeologists at work and see them pulling out various things. The downside was it was about 1000 degrees outside (not really, but the heat index was at 115 degrees, so it was basically the same thing). We took a guided tour where they told us about 4 sets of remains that were recently discovered and would be announced by the Smithsonian on July 28th. They said they couldn't tell us who the 4 people were, but that there were 2 captains, a knight, and a religious figure, and that we may recognize some of the names from a Disney movie. It doesn't take a genius to deduce that they probably found John Rolfe (John Smith from the Disney Pocahontas movie).

Skull that was found buried in Jamestown that revealed that cannibalism took place.
Apparently you aren't supposed to take photos in the museum...oops.
But I figure no one from Historical Jamestown is reading this blog, so I should be safe.

Other highlights of the trip were shopping with Mom, dinners with my parents and their friends, walks around the neighborhood with Dad, and going to the Richmond Holocaust Museum. My parents live in a neighborhood with a street called Lady Allison Lane, so obviously this happened...

If it looks like I'm holding on for dear life, it's because I'm holding on for dear life. That light post ledge was small. I also went to a couple used bookstores, because I try to go to one in every city I visit. One was an amazing antique used book store called Black Swan Books, the other was called Book People and was located in one half of an older lady's house. I'll let you figure out which one was fancier. Spoiler - Black Swan Books (SUCH an awesome place!). But, the lady that ran Book People was adorable and I couldn't not buy something from her.

The illustrious Book People
Imagine your house filled with books. Now multiply that amount of books by about 30 and take away any semblance of air conditioning and you might be able to understand what Book People was like. If nothing else, it was certainly an adventure.

As I flew back to Austin (in First Class, where you get offered a hot towel for reasons I'm still not entirely sure of), I managed to snap a nighttime photo of Austin as we descended.

Then I was surprised at the bottom of the airport escalator with this. Two wonderful friends of mine who made me the biggest sign in the airport, which I think means I was the most important one? I'm pretty sure. Dawn and Hannah, I adore you both. Even though you spelled my last name wrong.

Since my big Richmond adventure ended, it's just been back to work for me. So I'll finish this (extremely long) blog post by picking up where I left off in the blog challenge.

Something You're Looking Forward To

Going to see Jon McLaughlin in concert again! I love live music, and I love Jon McLaughlin's music, so I cannot wait to go see him sing live again. Oh, and I'm going to see the Seahawks play in Dallas this fall. Just in case you didn't read that last sentence carefully - I'm going to see the Seahawks. In person. OMG.

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