Monday, July 27, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Twenty Four

Yesterday afternoon I went to a yoga class - my first since moving to Austin almost 2 years ago. By the end of it, my entire body felt like a limp noodle. Today, literally everything hurts. Yoga, you are just too sneaky. I'm all relaxed one day, then can barely move the next. Well played.

Something big happened a few days ago that I somehow forgot to mention - I finally got admitted to doctoral candidacy at UT!!! For those of you thinking "wait...I thought she was in the doctoral program this entire time...?" -- I was, but not with very much security. Over the first two years of a doctoral program, there's a whole host of reasons the university can use to kick your butt out. These include, but are not limited to...doing poorly in classes, failing written qualifying exams, failing oral qualifying exam, failing introductory exams (thank god I didn't have to take introductory exams - sorry organic and inorganic divisions), etc. Once you pass all your classes (with a 3.0 GPA or higher...harder to maintain than it sounds) and pass all your qualifying exams, you choose your dissertation committee and then send an official candidacy application in. I found out at the end of last week that my application was approved, which means I'm safe from being kicked out. As my friend Scott says, I'm now bulletproof. And it feels good.

As for what I did today...I worked in lab and didn't get home until just before 7pm. So not a whole lot happened today that was overly exciting. Time consuming, yes. Exciting...nope.

Prompt from yesterday - Three things that can instantly make your day

1. The TV show Psych.

Honestly, I don't know how that show couldn't make someone's day better.
2. Finding a coupon for something I'm already planning on buying. Because obviously.

3. Rain. Give me some rain, and I'm a happy camper.

Today's prompt - Something you're embarrassed to love (TV show, book, etc).

Need I say more?

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