Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Ten

I wish I had exciting experiment news to share from today, but my bacteria didn't grow like they were supposed to. So what happened today was a big fat nothing. Hopefully tomorrow sees more progress! On to the blog challenge.

First - 10 On 10 Photos, With or Without Captions

First of all, I don't entirely understand this prompt. What does "10 on 10" mean if you don't have to use captions? This was poorly worded. But I digress, here are my chosen photos.

Three things I miss - my puppy, my home state, and snow.
Homage to one of my best friends Amanda, who just got engaged!
Capilano Suspension Bridge park in Vancouver, BC. Still one
of the most beautiful places I've been.
Also beautiful? My undergrad. I mean...look at it.
One of my favorite places from back home - Tumwater Falls Park.
Taken on my flight from Washington to Texas. When things finally got real
about leaving home and going to grad school.
The moment I realized I'm pretty much the only PNW person out of all the
UT chemistry grad students.
That moment when you realize your love for the UT Baseball team
outweighs your love for the UT Football team.
One of my favorite photos from Jeff's wedding - love my big bro!
Last up - my favorite people in the world.

Next prompt - What's In Your Purse

1. Coach wallet (that I got on deep sale at the outlet mall, because no wallet should be as expensive as Coach wallets are normally)

2. EOS lip balm in the flavor Mint

3. Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer in the scent Cucumber Mint (I'm still on the fence about whether I even like this scent or not, but I bought it so it's gonna get used)

4. Glasses case

5. Kleenex (because allergies here are so very terrible all the time)

6. Pens and a small notepad

7. Compact mirror

That's it. I try not to clutter my purse too much. Those suckers get heavy when they're full of crap.

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