Friday, July 3, 2015

Day Six Hundred Ninety Nine

I just realized that my 700th day in Austin will be on July 4th. Which for some reason, I find awesome. Anyway, I have a headache (didn't drink enough water today...oops), so this post will be very quickly written so I can go to sleep.

Today I...went to work! I know most people get today off, but UT is all "why would we give you July 3rd off? July 4th is the actual holiday, and it's on a Saturday. Get your butt to work." So, that's what I did. 

After work, it was off to learn how moonshine is distilled! I bought a tour for 2 to a local moonshine company called Crystal Creek Distillery as a birthday gift for someone. Just because I can't drink the moonshine doesn't mean I don't find the process intriguing (and it actually was pretty interesting). Plus the person I took got to drink my half of the tasting samples as well, which made him pretty happy. And we both got to take home free souvenir drink glasses at the end, which made us both happy. Overall it was a pretty cool experience, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who's remotely interested (and you can get the tour discounted through Groupon!).

After hanging out at the distillery, an epic 2 hour Nintendo Wii Mario Party battle commenced. It was intense, and a close match throughout. In the end, neither of us won. The computer did. How lame. Though secretly satisfying, because if the computer hadn't won, my human opponent would have gotten 1st (with me in 2nd), and we can't have that.

Alright, so for day #2 of the 30 day blog challenge, the prompt is...

Day 2 - Describe your morning routine

The truth is, I spend a solid 15 minutes each morning in complete denial that I have to get out of bed. Some people can jump out of bed the second their alarm goes off, and I never fail to be impressed by this. Because I set 3 alarms knowing that the first one will wake me up, I'll ignore the second one as I surf the web on my phone, and the third one is my "alright, you've avoided this enough" signal to actually move. Then, I drink an Ensure for breakfast (a nutritional drink that I've been told by numerous friends that "only old people drink"), get dressed, make a lunch to take to work, and head out to campus. If I know I'll be seeing people other than my two lab-mates before I come home again, I'll put makeup on. If I know I'm only going to work and home, I don't even bother with makeup. And that's my morning. Unless it's a weekend, where I sleep in and sometimes don't change out of my pajamas until I eat lunch. Like a true champion.

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