Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Twenty Six

Yesterday and today have been extremely busy days. But mostly with fun things, so that's a relief. Yesterday was full of work, picking up packages (a new book AND Seahawks vs Cowboys tickets?! Best packages ever), dinner with my adoptive Austin parents (thank you, Bob and Louise!), and then a movie with Louise right after dinner. We saw Trainwreck, which was pretty funny, but not my favorite movie I've seen recently.

Today was more work, going to a yoga class, buying fancy new shoes for a wedding I'm going to soon, and then a late dinner at Cheddar's. This yoga class was a bit more low key than Sunday's (thank goodness), so I think I'll be able to move with relatively little pain tomorrow. Progress. While both days have been fun, I'm definitely ready for an evening in tomorrow.

Now for blog prompts.

Yesterday's - A Goal You're Working Towards

Get in better shape. I know, this is a boring goal that everyone has, but it's still true. When my stomach acts up, I tend to shrink away from going to the gym or exercising for fear of aggravating my IBS even more, but I'm trying to not let it take me out of the workout game for as long as it used to. Right now a goal I have is goal is to try to go to at least one yoga class a week. I've gone twice this week, so I'm off to a solid start! Now just to stay motivated to keep going consistently.

Today's - Your Favorite Recipe

I can make a mean Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookie. I'd probably go with that. Because obviously I'd choose some kind of dessert. 

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