Monday, July 13, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Nine

Yesterday I spent almost the entire day in Round Rock, a city just north of Austin that's home to the AAA baseball team the Round Rock Express. And also home to a gigantic outlet mall. What a happy coincidence! My friend Brogann and I made a day out of it, shopping (Bath and Body Works Outlet, you get me every time), eating delicious food at Saltgrass Steak House, and then cheering on the Express as they battled the New Orleans Zephyrs. Neither of us knew what a 'zephyr' was, so I google it on my phone. Can you guess what it is? According to, a zephyr is a 'gentle breeze.' That isn't even a joke or an insult to the team we played...that's literally what it means. And it. Is. Hilarious. Unfortunately we ended up losing to the gentle breeze's, but the post-game fireworks made up for the disappointment.

Alright, I'm behind on my blog challenge, so I'll do 2 prompts today and 2 tomorrow. The first for today is...

A photo of your handwriting

I actually had to search through my photos to find this one, because I didn't feel like taking a new one. This is the best I could find - and also functions as a flashback to the day I took my first set of qualifying exams (which is not a memory I often resurrect). And, look at my awesome shoes.

Next up - You favorite color with a photo showing it

I love the color blue. Love it. In almost every shade. Feast your eyes on the beauty that is my hometown.

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