Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Eighty Five

This week in lab, we've been documenting and tagging waste chemicals. For going on 3 days straight now. To give you an idea of what this entails, we have thus far tagged 225 bottles, with over 100 bottles that are still yet to be tagged. In other words, the former members of this lab were horrible hoarders who didn't bother to clean or dispose of anything no longer being used. Fabulous.

To help me cope with the never ending chemical waste....I went to see Macklemore and Ryan Lewis in concert last night! It was amazing, and once I get the photos my friend Olja took, I'll post some here. He was just the boost of energy I needed to power through the rest of this week. Then I get the weekend....and then the undergrads return in force for spring semester next Tuesday. Empty campus, you were nice while you lasted. I'll miss you until you return in the summer.

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