Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Ninety One

Spring semester officially started yesterday, which means all of us grad students have had to exchange the peaceful silence of winter break for the stampede of undergrads wandering around Welch Hall with zero sense as to where they're going. It's delightful.

This spring I'm back to TAing an undergrad class - an analytical chemistry class with...wait for it...115 students! This is by far the largest class I've ever TAed, and thankfully there's three of us TAs to share the burden. Having a lab of 16 students was exhausting, so 115 should be quite the adventure. I've never been more thankful that I have a locked office I can hide in.

On a final note, I learned that I apparently have a distinct knock today. My boss recently moved in to a new office, but the office door doesn't have a window, which means we never know if he's on campus or not. Because like the grad students, the professors also hide from undergrads in their locked offices. Well, I'm no undergrad anymore, so closed doors don't deter me. I'll just knock on it. And I knock with purpose, because half the time a wimpy knock gets no results since nobody can hear it. Well, today I knocked on my boss's door, and when he opened it (HA! I knew he was hiding in there), he just looked at me and said, "you know, I knew it was you, because it sounded like a battering ram was at my door." Thanks, Jason.

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