Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Seventy Four

This most recent blog hiatus was sponsored by Christmas break, during which I went to Virginia for 11 days and steadfastly ignored all responsibilities ranging from grad school to blog posts. It was a wonderful and much needed break from everything, and when I came back to Austin the weather was finally cold.

I have Virginia photos to share, but those won't go up until tomorrow. I braved a full operating system update for my laptop today, and it resulted in a brand new photo program that possessed none of my old I've been reloading all of those album by album. It's been super fun. I'll elaborate more on my Virginia adventures when I have the photos to go with them.

Yesterday I spent New Year's Day traveling (it involved getting up at 5:00am, which was rough), and then going to see the new Star Wars in IMAX 3D immediately after I landed. Thankfully I'd already seen it once before, so during the moments I lost focus due to being completely exhausted, atleast I knew what I missed.

As for 2016 we go:

1. Cook more of my own meals (mainly dinners...I have a fancy new crock pot and I intend to become a master at it)

2. Run a 10K in September (this is kind of a requirement, since I promised my brother I'd run one with him)

3. Go to yoga at least twice a month

4. Publish a first author paper (the resolution of every grad student everywhere)

5. Learn to play guitar

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