Monday, January 4, 2016

Day Eight Hundred Seventy Six

Today I continued my quest for new running shoes (which I started while I was in Richmond, to no avail) with a trip to RunLab Austin. I saw online that they specialize in examining your running style/gait and work with you to improve upon it, but that they also sell I was intrigued. When the run tech sat across from me, the first thing out of his mouth was, "do you mind if I draw on your feet?" Um...I guess not? Then this happened.

It's the first time I've ever had my feet so thoroughly examined. And also the first time I've had to come home and struggle to get sharpie off my feet (not easy, fyi). But much was learned and I left with a new pair of running shoes. Let's hope these ones end up being the perfect fit! Bring it on, 10K in September. Bring it on.

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