Monday, November 3, 2014

Day Four Hundred Fifty Nine

First things first - I filled up my car with gas today that only cost $2.59/gallon. Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how awesome that is? I love "winter" in Austin, suddenly things get so very cheap.

The most ridiculous moment of the day came while I was shopping at HEB. A lady next to me grabbed some canned fruit and showed it to her 5 year old son, who responded with "is it organic?" When the mom said no, he replied "then I don't want it." And she PUT IT BACK. I think I stood there for a few seconds trying to comprehend what just happened before silently walking away in disbelief. It was absolutely absurd. Since when does a 5 year old even know that word exists?

I had my first book club tonight! It met at BookPeople in downtown Austin, and consisted of 5 mystery-novel-loving individuals (including me). I'd never been to a book club before, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I had a great time. I've already ordered next month's book off Amazon. During book club I found out I had just missed Lavar Burton making an appearance at the store earlier this week. Um, are you kidding me?! I could have met Mr. Reading Rainbow who also now stars in a show I love (Perception on TNT)? I was bummed about this, and relieved to be in the company of people who understood the awesomeness that is Lavar Burton.

It's supposed to storm this week. And do you know what that means? Cooler weather. I. Can't. Wait.

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