Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day Four Hundred Sixty Four

UT won today! We upset #24 ranked West Virginia, and it was an awesome game to be at. Consequently, I am completely exhausted, so this post will be short in order to minimize any incoherent ramblings.

Dad came in to town yesterday afternoon (yay!) and we went and hung out at my grandpa's house all evening and had delicious Mexican food (the extent of the Mexican food I ate was homemade tortilla chips, but the rest of the food looked delicious).

Today we started off by going out to breakfast at IHOP with my other set of grandparents, and I got a Belgian waffle and it was the best. No better time to carbo-load then before a big football game. Then we headed off to the Co-Op up at campus to buy some UT goodies and get autographs/pictures with two former longhorn football players, Jordan Shipley and Quan Cosby. I just so happened to be wearing my #8 jersey, which was Jordan's number at UT, so we instantly bonded. I decided to refrain from telling him that I got this number jersey because it was on clearance. I also neglected to inform Quan Cosby that I didn't even know he existed until today. It just seemed like the wise thing to do.

Then, drum line at the tailgate and football game. I'll post pics tomorrow. Until then, I sleep.

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