Monday, November 17, 2014

Day Four Hundred Seventy Three

I really have no excuse for not posting anything the last five days. I barely touched my laptop and didn't have the patience (or the needed level of consciousness) to type anything out on my phone right before going to sleep. So to make up for it, I'll post a couple photos!

Friday morning I had an exam in my microbiology class (yuck), but if I have to have an exam, I want it to be on a Friday. Because then I get a weekend of sweet, blissful nothingness. No homework or studying or anything. Just sweatpants and my book and a list of DVR-ed TV shows. But before I got super lazy, I decided to kick off the weekend with the UT men's basketball home opener on Friday night. I went with my laboratory-partner-in-crime Mindy, and we ended up three rows from the very top of the arena. Sweet seats UT, thanks a bunch. Apparently if you're a student and don't shell out money for the athletic package (I have it, Mindy doesn't), they make you sit in the nosebleeds. No matter though, we could still see what was going on just fine from our aerial view. I must say, after a season of exhausting football games where I'm forced to stand for almost the entirety of the 3 1/2 hour game, sitting in a nice covered arena was pretty nice. And UT won, so that made it extra nice.

Saturday I did the sweatpants-book-DVR thing until 6:00pm, when I was forced to put real pants on to go to a game night hosted by a couple at the church I go to. I drove out to their neighborhood, creepily lurked around trying to figure out which house was theirs, then when I gave up and called them I was informed that game night had in fact been canceled. I even made muffins, you guys. No harm, no foul though, their house is close to the cheapest gas in town, and I was able to fill up my very empty gas tank for less than $20. Then I went back home and turned on the UT vs OSU football game and watched our boys secure bowl eligibility. Woohoo! I never thought that would happen after a disastrous 2-4 start, but they've pulled it off. Well done, Stronghorns.

Today was...a Monday. I managed to stay alert for almost all of class this morning (a solid 43 out of 50 minutes, I'd say), got angry at mini centrifuge tubes for not filtering my solution (this doesn't have to make sense to you, just be assured it was very frustrating), and drank a cup of hot water to stay warm in lab. Because it's always freezing in lab. Always. With the weather getting colder out we've all been wearing scarves and knit hats outside.....and then just not taking them off inside. I've simply gotten used to the confused looks in the hallway when I emerge from lab and walk around in Welch Hall looking like I just walked in from the north pole. At least I love my sweaters and scarves, and work always gives me a valid reason to wear them no matter the time of year.

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