Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day Four Hundred Seventy Eight

It's been an exhausting weekend so far. Thursday my experiment wasn't working due to equipment difficulties, so I pushed it to Friday instead knowing it would mean I'd have to come back in on Saturday to take some images. Lab work on the weekends.......and so it begins. While the experiment was successful on Friday (yay!), the result today wasn't ideal. Lame. Once I pass one hurdle, I slam right in to another one. Go easy on me grad school, its the holiday season.

After finishing the first part of my experiment yesterday, I headed over to A Christmas Affair at the Palmer Center in downtown Austin. For those of you who don't know what this is (which is probably most of you) - its a giant Christmas bazaar. Giant. GIANT. They had a massive tree set up in the middle of the room that was topped with a chandelier. Its so over the top, but they had some really cool vendors, almost all of whom were very much out of my price range. I managed to find a birthday gift for my roommate, as well as some delicious homemade tortilla chips. Maybe next year I'll be more successful, since I'll know what I'm in for in terms of the sheer size of the event. To finish off Friday I went to have dinner with my grandpa and family. The food was delicious, and the company was fantastic.

Today started with...Chuck E. Cheese! Because what responsible adult doesn't spend their Saturday morning there?! It was my roommate's niece's 4th birthday. I played some skeeball, put out some virtual fires (in a game that was terrifying for children), and ate part of a Frozen themed cake. All in all a successful morning. Then the trip to campus, then home to take a nap, then out to dinner to celebrate my roommate's birthday. Add to all of this a ridiculously stormy day. Thank goodness where we ate dinner just happened to be right next to BookPeople where I could wait out the worst part of the storm. How very convenient. I got home just in time too, as the lightning started to get so severe that it turned the sky white. Texas weather, sometimes you crazy.

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