Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Day Four Hundred Sixty One

It rained all day today - a steady drizzle that was so unlike Texas and so much like Washington that it made me miss home. It reminded me that no matter where I end up, I'll always consider myself a Washingtonian at heart.

All these crazy Texans, however, aren't sure what to do with rain. They talk and talk and talk about how much they need rain, and when it finally shows up people grumble. Then they begrudgingly grab their umbrellas and speed walk everywhere. I find it humorous, and probably saw more umbrellas today then I did the entire 14 years I lived in the pacific northwest. I just threw on my raincoat and leisurely walked around campus enjoying the cool weather.

Something weird happened on the drive home though. There are always vultures hanging out on the light posts waiting for road kill, but for some reason the rain caused them all to stretch their wings out while they were sitting. All of them. On 10 consecutive posts. It was so creepy, like some kind of bizarre bat (vulture?) signal.

I voted yesterday. It was my very first time voting at an actual poll booth, and it felt very patriotic (sorry Washington, but mail in ballots just don't feel the same). And for what seems like the first time ever, some of the people I voted for actually won! You best believe I wore my "I Voted" sticker with pride.

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