Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day Four Hundred Sixty Eight

Sometimes, all the stars align and you realize you have a roommate that will enthusiastically buy matching winter-themed onesie pajamas with you from Target. So.......guess who went shopping tonight? I hope you're all ready for some epic roommate Christmas photos. Side note - they are seriously comfy.

This week has been research heavy, with one failed experiment and one hopefully successful experiment (I'll find out tomorrow) thus far. Those little bacteria are just being way too elusive. Its like they know I'm planning to shoot a laser around them. Stop hiding bacteria. I'm not trying to kill you. I'm just trying to capture you in tiny, tiny boxes from which you can never escape. Better, right?

In other news, last week I bought my next book club book off Amazon. I got a package in the mail on Monday, and after marveling at how big and heavy the box was for a single book, I opened it to discover that Amazon had sent me bedsheets instead. Expensive bedsheets that didn't even fit my bed. Wait...what?! After a slightly confusing phone call with my mom that went something along the lines of:

Me: "Did you send me sheets that won't fit my bed?"

Mom: "..........No."

I emailed Amazon and had a very nice UPS man come today and pick up the random sheets to take back. Long story short - I never got my book. Way to go, Amazon. Luckily one of the UT libraries had it. School saves the day.

Its cold here right now. And I love it.

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