Friday, February 27, 2015

Day Five Hundred Seventy Seven

Ahhhhhhh, Friday. It's always such a relief to finally have the weekend (especially after an exhausting week like this one). Today was the first day this week where I didn't have to always be jumping and running somewhere. I graded papers, took a trip down 90s-pop-music-memory-lane with my lab mate (can you say Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls music videos?!), and helped kick off this year's first grad student recruitment weekend for the Chem department. I'm also happy to report that my sliced finger is doing better - especially since this was the situation yesterday:

Apparently the nurse wanted to make sure people in outer space could see I had hurt my finger. Seriously, was that much gauze really necessary? I had to go teach a lab with that on, which was super fun. Most girls guessed correctly that I had cut myself cooking, while most guys didn't care how I hurt it and just wanted to know if I cut a portion of my finger off.

Another thing that happened today? A free-for-all with old lost and found stuff. The undergrad office emailed the following to all of the chemistry grad students - 

And it took less than 2 minutes for total madness to ensue (which I was most definitely a part of). There were students sprinting down the hallway to try and get there before all the good stuff was gone, and it was the most ridiculous looking thing ever. I made out with a North Face jacket (yeah!) while Mindy found a leather jacket that somehow perfectly fit her. And we both got umbrellas. Overall, not a bad haul if I do say so myself.

Tomorrow...let the grading marathon begin. At least I'll get treated to a free dinner at County Line (mmmm, delicious BBQ) courtesy of recruitment weekend.

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