Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day Five Hundred Sixty One

I bought pepper spray today. I thought it would be an intimidating addition to my keychain while also helping to keep me safe. Little did I know that the only pepper spray keychains the Co-op on campus sells are called "Dazzle Defenders" and are decorated with a cheetah print design. It's certainly fierce looking, but not in the way I was expecting. I've been thinking about buying one of these keychains for a while now, being a young female in a big city, but what pushed me over the edge was a creeper at our apartment complex that followed my roommate to our front door yesterday. I dare you to try that on me, sir. I dare you. You'll get mace-faced.

Today was another tiring day of school, with class, work, and a 4 hour optics lab (uuuuugh). It ended on a good note though, with an evening bible study with my small group from church. I was also surprised with boxes from my parents and aunt and uncle! Family, you're the best. Nothing says "I love you even in spite of your vices" like ginger snaps and a Chick-Fil-A gift card (among some other equally wonderful things). I looked at the serving size for the ginger cookie. Well that's just foolish. And in my case, impossible.

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