Monday, February 2, 2015

Day Five Hundred Fifty Two

Today was remarkably busy. First was class, then I continued data analysis on the lab-report-that-never-ends, then taught lab, then went out to eat at Raising Cain, then went to book club. Whew! This was my first trip to Raising Cain, a fast food place that only serves chicken strips, and oh my gosh it was so good. Whataburger, you know I love you, but you have serious competition now. And I even beat the dinner time rush thanks to my lab students being rock stars and finishing lab 30 minutes early. Efficiency is my favorite, well done students. Well done.

Book club this month was about the most recent Veronica Mars novel (yes, it's now a novel series too). The coolest part of the meeting? The author was there! It was so awesome being able to discuss plot lines and why certain things happened with the person responsible for writing it all. At one point I mentioned I was a grad student at UT in analytical chemistry, to which the lady next to me responded "you're kidding... I graduated from UT in 1996 with my PhD in analytical chemistry." No joke. It was a rather epic moment. We discussed professors (most are the same) and where things lead after grad school (or in my case, where I hope things lead). It was a very unexpected conversation, and I loved it.

We don't need to talk about the game yesterday. All I'll say is - I still love my Russell Wilson and my Seahawks. And I have a surplus of Skittles if anyone wants some. Cause we all need a little Beast Mode every once in a while.

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