Monday, February 23, 2015

Day Five Hundred Seventy Three

When I first started grad school, the powers that be told me to enjoy my first year, because it would be the most free time I would have during my grad school career. I thought, "they must be kidding, I feel like I have barely any time to myself, and my brain is constantly frazzled." Well, to my disappointment, it turns out they were right. They were so right. Here I am, spring semester of my second year, and I don't think I've ever been so busy. Taking two classes (which are accompanied by insane lab reports and exams), teaching two classes (accompanied by roughly 15 hours of grading a week), and trying to maintain some semblance of's not easy. And often barely even doable. But you know what's funny? I feel less stressed than I did my first year. Maybe I've just finally adjusted to a new normal, or maybe I've just accepted my fate as a grad student. Regardless, it's a welcome change. For the record, I'm still stressed...but it's less and for the most part easier to handle, and I'll gladly accept that.

My impromptu blog hiatus was a result of me becoming a recluse for 4 days to study for a Cell Biology exam that I took this morning. Don't ask me how it went, because I don't know. I hope it went well, everyone cross your fingers for me. After studying solid for 3 months to prepare for qualifying exams this past Fall, studying in silence for 4 days and only leaving my house to go grocery shopping actually didn't feel like a big deal. Well, that's a little lie, I also went to a UT baseball game this past weekend, but was so nervous about this upcoming exam that I took all my study material with me and highlighted notes as I watched the game (see, not stress free, but stress free enough to at least go enjoy some nice weather and some baseball). We won the game and I got to enjoy it from box seats courtesy of a friend of the Avants who was sweet enough to share her suite tickets with us. Thank you, Deb! I had a wonderful time, and felt like baseball royalty. Here are some photos -- 

The view from our sweet suite seats.

My wonderful Austin family, the Avants. I love you all!

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