Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day Five Hundred Sixty Four

Happy end of Valentine's Day! Ahhh, the day where it's never more apparent that you don't have a significant other in your life. I spent the day on the couch by myself grading papers (for 9 hours.....) and watching Netflix. Next Valentine's Day is going to have a tough time topping this one. BUT, I do have wonderful parents who send me valentines goodies in the mail (mmmmm...ginger snaps) and adoptive Austin parents who surprise me with their own valentines gift. I love you all. You make my world brighter.

The weekend is already halfway over, and I'm still exhausted from last week. And I have to start a new work week in 36 hours?! No. I'm sorry, no. Work week, you'll just have to calm down and let the weekend last a little longer. We'll all be better off for it.

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