Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day One Hundred Ninety Nine

I finished all my grading today! Just in time to get some more lab reports to grade tomorrow! It's a vicious cycle, let me tell you. Those suckers take forever to finish.

I also went to a Valentine's Day brunch today hosted by my apartment complex. It was full of delicious food, and I love my complex even more now. Then I went to the grocery store to pick up more allergy medicine. Because this is my life now. Appointment with the allergy specialist, you couldn't come soon enough.

I feel like the weekend went by waaaay too fast. But I guess that's okay, because it means I'm even closer to my trip back home! I fly to Washington on Thursday for a short weekend visit, but I don't even care that I'm only there for two full days, because it means I'm home with my parents and the rain and my dog. And this time I'm dragging the roommate and her parents with me. Herzog family, I hope those cold days in Texas prepared you, because it's that weather every day in Washington right now.

Back to the grind tomorrow. Yay?

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