Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day Two Hundred One

I got my exam back today. The one I took in an allergy induced haze. And I did way better than I thought! Which immediately indicated that my day was going to be good no matter what. And it was a really good day, which is always good to have on my longest day if the week. Tuesday, you exhaust me. But I didn't fall asleep at my 8am group meeting thanks to my all-crunchy-trail-mix. The one valuable thing I learned from Drivers Ed - eat crunchy things when you're tired and it'll wake you back up. It definitely works, which is why some days I'm shoveling trail mix in to my mouth all day during class. It probably drives the people around me crazy, but I always share so they can't be too cranky...right?

The random surprising moment of the day was meeting the person sitting next to me at seminar and finding out we're both from Olympia and lived a mile away from each other. What?! This made me so happy. Another northwesterner! There aren't many of us in the grad program, and technically he's a chemical engineer and not a chemist, but I don't even care.

The baseball season home opener was today at 6pm. I elected to go home and eat instead. I still got to experience the rowdiness for a few minutes though, as a hoard of baseball players got on the shuttle with me at 730 this morning. They must have just had their protein/energy drinks, cause they were way too loud and awake and energized for 730am. No matter what time I get on the shuttle, I just can't escape them. And any time pre-9am is just way too early for their loud insanity.

Lab tomorrow at 10am. Time to sleep.

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