Monday, February 10, 2014

Day One Hundred Ninety Three

So sleepy. I even took a nap at my desk today (on purpose) and I couldn't stop yawning the entire day. Such a Monday.

A record FOUR people came to my office hours this morning! I was pretty excited. 2 of them weren't even in my lab. The hour flew by, and I can only hope that what I told them actually helped. If it didn't, they were all atleast nice enough to pretend it did. I'll take it.

Also exciting, another lab day with no broken glassware. I'm still in awe of this due to the sheer amount of broken pieces of glass I had at this time last semester. I'm starting to realize how absurd that broken glassware streak really was. I still kind of miss those clumsy, butterfingered students though. They were fun. The two labs this semester also seem like they'll be enjoyable...thank goodness.

Another winter storm front is rolling through tonight. It's getting real ridiculous. It was fun at first, having school delays and reasons to stay in the toasty indoors. But they've gotten so random and the weather so bipolar I feel like I'm getting temperature whiplash. Texas! Make up your mind! Be cold or be hot for a week straight, just choose one!

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