Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day Two Hundred Eight

I'm back! I decided to take a hiatus from everything (including blogging) while I was back in WA just so I could enjoy being home with my parents. And due to unexpected ear difficulties, the trip was extended for 2 days. I've never been advised by a doctor not to fly before, so that was a new experience. It meant a little extra time at home though, so things could have been worse.

Thankfully my flight back to Austin today was, for the most part, ear pain free. I tried out some fancy earplugs made specifically for dealing with pressure changes during flights, and they actually worked really well. As they should have, since one pair was $8. Seriously, airport?! I get that they're fancy earplugs, but they're still just earplugs. $8 is absurd. I also got a giant bag of jolly ranchers, which my two seat mates very much enjoyed. Now...time to get back to the real world. I've avoided it for as long as I can.

On a final note, the trip home was comprised of...Pike Place Market, the monorail (which was sporting some very stylish Seahawks flags), the Space Needle, Seattle Center, Northwest Trek, some doctors visits, and lots of time with family. And I got a pair of Seahawks socks. And some Seattle skyline socks. There was an unintentional theme to my purchases during this visit.

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