Friday, February 14, 2014

Day One Hundred Ninety Seven

Five things seen/heard today at UT - Valentine's Day edition

1. "Cure your Valentine's Day depression with SUGAR!" (I almost bought one of their cupcakes due to how much this advertising made me laugh)

2. A very emphatic middle aged woman holding a bible and screaming about the impurity of Valentine's Day and 'Valentine wine' (no, I don't know what this means, nor do I want to)

3. A giant, very colorful table full of candy and, as the enormous sign advertised, free condoms (way to keep it classy UT)

4. A guy outside the Co-Op 'dressed' as Cupid, wearing only tiny white running shorts, a ribbon around his neck, and a handmade bow and arrow (I made sure to walk past him very quickly)

5. A guy dressed as a giant penguin (I still don't know why, but I immediately liked him more than creepy Cupid)

It was an odd day. Even though it was a gorgeous day outside weather-wise, I just stayed in my lab to avoid the general weirdness that was happening all around me. But when I got home, my apartment complex had little Valentine's Day goodie bags for all the tenants. Awwwwww. AND my roommate made chocolate-covered strawberries. Best dessert ever.

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