Friday, February 7, 2014

Day One Hundred Ninety

It just dawned on me today that I've been living in Austin now for over 6 months. Over half a year. That is so weird. It's certainly been quite eventful for such a short amount of time, and even now it still doesn't feel real at times. You mean this isn't just an extended vacation away from home? I live here now? In my own apartment with a roommate that likes all the same creepy shows that I do? How did this all happen? Sometimes it still blows my mind.

We had another ice-day from school today, so I decided to be productive and clean the apartment while doing laundry. Let me just say, nothing works up a sweat quite like trying to put a fitted sheet on a bed, especially when the bed is pushed up against the wall. I can't even imagine how weird that would look to an outside observer, I always feel like a quasi-gymnast when I'm trying to get that stupid last corner to go over the mattress.

I also studied and did some research-related things, because I know that just because I got the day off from going to school doesn't mean I actually get the day off from school work. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself once I'm not a student anymore.

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