Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day One Hundred Eighty Four

I went to my first UT Men's Basketball game today! And they won against #6 ranked Kansas! It was an awesome game, and there were quite a few big names there, which just made it even cooler. I'm talking Colt McCoy, Fozzy Whitaker, Roger Clemens, and Ben Crenshaw. And the new UT football coach, Charlie Strong, came out at halftime to introduce the new coaching staff for the football team. He was greeted with the entire arena chanting "Charlie" so I can only imagine he felt good after that welcoming. It was also awesome because I went with my Grandpa and close family friend Mary, and it's always so much fun spending time with them. And I got to take home a sign that said "Fear the Steer," which might be the best thing I've ever seen.

Tomorrow is....Super Bowl Sunday! I'll be sporting my Seahawks jersey and will likely be completely useless the entire day due to my complete distraction over the game.

Here are some photos from today.

Oh, hey Charlie.

If you look closely, you'll see Neil Patrick Harris, Ron Burgundy, and
Walter White all came to watch the game.

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