Friday, January 31, 2014

Day One Hundred Eighty Three

I slept in this morning. And it was glorious. I only get one day like this during the school week, and I always make sure to take full advantage of it.

I got to school around noon, then proceeded to help hang a new white board in lab, which was way more of an endeavor then any of us anticipated. And may I just point out that the 4 women in the lab hung the board, with no offer of help from the 4 men in lab. Then all the guys talked about how we hung the board too low. Not cool, guys. You will live with this board height, and you will LIKE it.

After that fiasco, I had some time to kill before group meeting and decided to walk to CVS with a friend to pick up skittles for the big game on Sunday (Seahawks fans know the significance of this). We saw the new Butterfinger Cups while we were there, and decided to give them a try. This was a mistake. Butterfingers are delicious. Butterfinger Cups...not delicious. Cue a bad taste in our mouths and slightly uneasy stomachs. I'm warning you all now. Do not fall victim to this unfortunate Butterfinger mutant.

UT vs Kansas basketball game tomorrow. It's sold out, and its going to be madness. I can't wait!

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