Monday, January 13, 2014

Day One Hundred Sixty Five

First day of spring semester! I didn't actually have any classes today, so my first day of the semester was pretty uneventful. I read some scientific articles, ate lunch, then went to get introduced to the class that I'll be TAing labs for. The best part of that was the professor looking at all the students and saying "if you're stupid, you won't pass this class." Dr. Holcombe, I've missed remarks like these...I'm so glad I'm TAing your class. Judging by the (un)enthusiastic looks on all the undergrads faces...labs may be interesting. Watch out guys, I'm not a newbie at TAing anymore...I will pounce if you don't have those lab goggles on!

After all of that excitement, I came home and packed some more. And watched some more Breaking Bad. And then packed again.

Tomorrow is my first day of actual classes. Wish me luck!

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