Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day One Hundred Sixty Six

First day of actual classes today! They both went well and look like they're going to be interesting (thank goodness). And I actually have friends in both classes, which was a welcome surprise. The professor for the first class was extremely bouncy in his Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts, but he was fun to listen to, which is a necessity for a morning class. The professor for my second class was also funny, but had a tendency to go off on tangents that while scientifically interesting, were just completely random. I see a good semester ahead of me.

It was quite literally a perfect day outside. It was around 70 with clear skies and a slight breeze. All I wanted to do was sit outside and bask in it...if only I didn't have classes and meetings all day. I had to settle for gazing longingly out the window. It's supposed to be similar weather all week though. I'm pretty excited about this. Finally Texas, you give me weather I can deal with! Can we keep it this way? Please?

On the shuttle ride back to my car, I saw a billboard with the words "Thank You" along with a giant photo of Mack Brown. It made me smile. Texans are nothing if not loyal. Just like us Seahawks fans. I cannot wait for the playoff game on Sunday. I already have my Russell Wilson jersey hanging up in my closet and ready to wear.

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