Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day One Hundred Eighty One

Much to the relief of UT's administration, there was no ice delay today (even though temperatures went below freezing again last night). Which means I had to actually get out of bed when my alarm went off. I guess this cold weather couldn't spoil me forever.

Today my Wednesday lab went through their first full experiment. I was amazed it went so smoothly...until 20 minutes before lab ended and I heard a crash behind me followed by the question, " much does a pestle cost?" Seriously? My streak of broken glassware continues. Other then that minor incident everything went really well though, which was a relief. The first experiment is always pretty telling of how the semester will go. Wednesday lab students, you may not be the disaster I always fear getting when I begin teaching a new lab group.

I started practicing cutting capillaries in my own research lab today. I get to use a lathe, which makes me feel very handy, even though it's tiny and not overly powerful. But hey, a lathe is a lathe. I learned that I'm actually kind of awesome at making a clean cut on a capillary. SWEET. This will definitely come in handy with future research. I'll keep you all apprised. Then a couple of my lab mates and I went to a poster session that another lab mate was presenting at. None of us realized that this was also a career fair, and we busted in their with our jeans and sweatshirts on while everyone else was in suits and fancy attire. Um...oops. Sorry Maryam, hope we didn't embarrass you! They had free food though, so the looks of disdain from the employers present was totally worth it. It was the weirdest gathering of food I have ever seen though. My plate consisted of a chicken strip, chips and salsa, and a cookie. Other options included fried artichoke hearts, sushi, and mini sub sandwiches. Because obviously those all go together.

I got stuck in horrendous traffic driving home. But I had this view all the way home, so it was actually kind of pleasant.

Austin sunset, courtesy of the traffic on Mopac Expressway.

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