Friday, January 3, 2014

Day One Hundred Fifty Four

Mmmmm......Red Robin. I had to get at least one Red Robin trip in since Austin doesn't have any. Seriously Austin...what is wrong with you that you don't have Red Robin?! I could probably live off their yukon chips and steak fries. Best things ever. And since Red Robin is right next to the mom and I naturally made a trip over there. I used one of my Christmas gift cards (thanks mom and dad!) and finally bought myself a Seattle Seahawks hat and a Seahawks window cling for my car. I. Love. That. Team. And I even found a really cute Mariners t-shirt for $8. Mariners, you may be absolutely horrible at baseball, but I still love you (especially when your shirts are this cheap).

Then the rest of the day I read my book, watched sitcoms with my parents, and tried my best to get rid of a horrible lingering headache. The stress of this upcoming semester is hitting me before it even starts.

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