Friday, January 17, 2014

Day One Hundred Sixty Nine

Guess what? Tomorrow night I get to sleep in my own bed, not an air mattress in the middle of the living room floor. As much fun as it has been camping out in the living room with the roommate, I'm pretty excited to sleep on something that doesn't deflate as the night progresses. Tomorrow all our big furniture is getting moved into the apartment, so it'll be crazy hectic for a couple hours...but then the new place will finally feel like home. Yay!

Today was a looooong day at school. I didn't have any classes, but had to be at lab by 10 for some more laser introduction. That was cool, but it was over at 11:30, giving me 4 hours of down time until group meeting. So some science-y things, watched an episode of CSI, went to U-Haul in search of furniture pads (they didn't have any...seriously U-Haul?!), hung out with lab mates, and stared out the window. Then group meeting.

A big thank you goes out to the Herzogs for a delicious dinner and help transporting the sofa to our garage. You both are wonderful.

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