Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day One Hundred Sixty Three

I took a late nap today. That probably wasn't my wisest decision. I didn't leave the house today, which means I got restless and cleaned. Mom, I know you're probably smiling and slightly proud over the last part of that sentence. I did have a three hour chunk where I was glued to my TV watching the Seahawks beat the Saints. Yaaay! It was a little hard to watch though, because I do love Drew Brees and his team. But not nearly as much as I love those Seahawks. And during the 3rd quarter, it was revealed that there's a hermit crab at the Seattle Aquarium named Marshawn Pinch (in reference to the beast Seahawk himself Marshawn Lynch). Here's a photo. I've never been so happy to see a hermit crab.

Photo from CBSSports

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