Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day One Hundred Fifty Nine

I survived my first official group meeting presentation today. It feels so good to have it behind me. It went pretty well...there were quite a few questions that I had no idea how to answer, but I figured that would happen, so at least I was somewhat prepared for my lack of knowledge. It felt great to be back on campus, it's amazing how much more settled I feel now that I have one semester of grad school behind me. Things don't seem quite so unknown anymore. Now I just have to mentally prepare myself for the upcoming semester and the return of classes, TAing, and research.

For dinner I went to a place called TNT in downtown Austin with my roommate and some of her friends. When I googled the restaurant earlier today I learned that TNT stood for Tacos and Tequila, so imagine my surprise when we got to the restaurant and it was actually extremely nice and modern. Definitely not what I was expecting from a name like that.

I took a nap in the middle of the day today. And I'm still exhausted. Stupid changing time zones! Hopefully my brain gets back on Austin time before classes start next Monday...

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