Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day One Hundred Fifty Six

I fly back to Austin tomorrow morning. I don't like this. I've been back in Washington long enough that I've returned to my Olympia routine and I don't want to leave it.   :(

This morning I went out to breakfast with my parents to my favorite breakfast place ever, The Spar in downtown Olympia. So. Delicious. If I could uproot that restaurant and move it to Austin (along with all my family and friends...), I would do it in a second. Then we went to Archibald Sisters, the funkiest fantastic store downtown, before going to Dancing Goats Coffeehouse to get some fresh ground coffee for a couple people back in Texas. It's made our entire house smell like coffee, which is kind of wonderful.

Then, I watched the NFL playoff games, made notes on a scientific paper I have to give a presentation on this coming Tuesday, and went and hung out with my neighbors. Thanks for letting me barge in to your house this afternoon Margie and Roger, I've missed you!

I just finished packing, and now it's time to sleep. Washington, I love you. I promise to come back soon.

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