Friday, January 3, 2014

Day One Hundred Fifty Five

I had an appointment at 7am today. It was brutal getting up for that. Which means it's going to be extra brutal when I'm back on Texas time and having it feel like 6am when my clock says 8am. Curse you, time change! I made it through the appointment without falling asleep, and rewarded myself with a breakfast at IHOP with my mom. So delicious.

Later, I got a haircut and my subsequent tootsie pop from my hair dresser. She's cut my hair since I was in 3rd grade, meaning no matter what age I am, I still get a tootsie pop. Ann, you are the best. I needed that mini sugar rush after the early morning wake up call. Then, since I was feeling the most awake I'd been all day, I ran over to Saint Martin's to visit the office I used to work in. It was so great seeing everyone again. Debbie, Tanaa, Mike, Caroline, AnneMarie, and Anya, I loved seeing all of you again, and will make a return visit when I come back to Washington in February! It was so nice being on my tiny undergraduate campus again after a semester at the behemoth that is University of Texas.

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