Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day One Hundred Fifty Seven

Back in Austin. The flight went well, especially since I got priority boarding for wearing my Russell Wilson jersey! I believe the announcement was "We are now boarding First Class, MVP Gold, MVP, and anyone smart and/or lucky enough to be wearing a Seahawks jersey with the number 3 on are the most MVP of them all, go Hawks!" As if I didn't love Russell enough already. And SeaTac/Alaska Airlines, you are awesome for participating in this. The flight itself was pretty bumpy. You know it'll be an interesting time when with an hour left, the pilot starts telling all the passengers that the flight attendants will be buckling up because the final hour of the trip is going to be "a bit of a rough one." We all survived. Thank goodness turbulence doesn't bother me all that much.

Once I got back to Austin things weren't too exciting. I came home, found an awesome Breaking Bad shirt that my roommate got for me as a welcome home surprise, then scrounged around the kitchen to see if anything was still fresh enough to eat for dinner after almost 3 weeks. Luckily, I had everything for breakfast tacos. Whew! I am in dire need of a grocery store run tomorrow. But everything is unpacked and put away, and I'm ready to pass out.

On a final note, the Longhorns hired a new head football coach today. His name is Charlie Strong. I'm counting how many days it takes for the Co-Op to come out with "Stronghorns" t-shirts. I'll be honest, I would probably buy one.

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